Излизат нови подробности за фалита на MtGox - сагата става все по-заплетена

Започната от Биткойн.БГ, Май 27, 2016, 06:33:55 PM

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Изключително интересна статия за фалита на най-голямата биткойн борса ощетила своите клиенти с почти 0,5 милиарда долара - за произхода, за продажбата на борсата в началото на 2011 година, за многобройните хакерски атаки и за натиска от страна на специалните служби върху новия собственик.

Също така има интересни подробности за особеностите на Японската съдебна система. Не знаех до сега, че заподозрените в Япония нямат право на адвокат през първите 23 /двадесет и три/ дена от своя арест, през което време могат да бъдат разпитвани всекидневно.


Behind the Biggest Bitcoin Heist in History: Inside the Implosion of Mt. Gox

Mt. Gox, which was once the world's largest exchange for the decentralized virtual currency, filed for bankruptcy protection in February 2014, when it was reported that 850,000 bitcoins, worth $450 million at the time, had disappeared or been stolen by hackers. Mt. Gox said it also lost $27 million in cash.

Originally, the company had been created as a platform for trading playing cards. Pokémon probably is the most familiar version in the West, but these were for Magic: The Gathering, a game that was popular among kids who gave up on any hope of being "cool" at high school; a dungeons and dragons sort of card game for obsessive fans.

The company we're writing about here was called Magic: The Gathering Online eXchange, which is where Mt. Gox derived its unusual name. But in a very short time, it left the original nerds far behind as bitcoins came in and cards went out. And then, a whole lot of bitcoins went missing.
