Overstock Inc. предлага на доставчици и служители заплащане в биткойни

Започната от Биткойн.БГ, Юли 12, 2014, 08:15:28 AM

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Една от големите американски вериги за търговия на дребно, Overstock Inc., започва да предлага отстъпки и по-добри условия на своите доставчици ако те приемат изцяло или частични плащания в биткойни. Компанията също така предлага на своите служители ако те пожелаят част от заплатите им да се изплащат в биткойни.

ЦитатOverstock plans to take its commitment to bitcoin a step further, CEO and founder Patrick Byrne announced, albeit in an unusual place for corporate announcements.

Before we get into the where, let's detail the news: Overstock plans to offer its vendors discounts and terms that will encourage them to start taking bitcoin, or reward ones that already do, and offer to pay its employees in bitcoin as well, Mr. Byrne said in an interview.

"We're going to start giving sort of special deals to the vendors who want to be paid in bitcoin," he said during a podcast interview. That might include paying vendors a week early, he said. "It's all about building. If we can get employees taking it, and vendors taking it, and customers paying for it, then it all becomes a virtuous circle."