Баварската Банкова Асоциация към своите членове: "Трупайте касови наличности!"

Започната от Биткойн.БГ, Март 04, 2016, 07:03:30 PM

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Вчера Банковата Асоциация на Бавария отправи призив към банките членуващи в нея да трупат касови налиности от банкноти в своите трезори за да може да гарантират влоговете на своите клиенти. Това е крещящо неподчинение и пряк сблъсък с директивите на ЕЦБ, чиято политика е да се раздават, колкото се може повече кредити. Изводите ги оставяме на вас.


German Banks Told To Start Hoarding Cash

Well, the Bavarian Banking Association has had enough of this financial dictatorship.

Their new recommendation is for all member banks to ditch the ECB and instead start keeping their excess reserves in physical cash, stored in their own bank vaults.

This is officially an all-out revolution of the financial system where banks are now actively rebelling against the central bank.

(What's even more amazing is that this concept of traditional banking– holding physical cash in a bank vault– is now considered revolutionary and radical.)

There's just one teensy tiny problem: there simply is not enough physical cash in the entire financial system to support even a tiny fraction of the demand.
